Monday, June 3, 2013

RIP San Antonio Riverwalk George

Rest in peace will be missed.

I didn't know George the duck and, chances are, you didn't either. His story, however, should touch your heart and make you question why.

George was just a duck, one of many who flocked to San Antonio's River Walk looking for scraps to eat and a safe place to rest at night. He stood out to visitors and locals alike because of his unusual appearance. Not really duck and not really goose...more like something in between the two. George was also very tame...often walking right up to restaurant patrons to ask for a hand out.

From everything I've read about he and heard from locals in the area, George had lived happily along River Walk in the stretch near The Original Mexican Restaurant for about 5 years. In that time, he had become something of a local celebrity. George didn't look like the other ducks who frequented the area...his red mask, white chest & facial feathers and the black feathers on his back made him stand out from the crowd. Tourists delighted in feeding George and snapping pictures with him...and George enjoyed all the attention.

George was sleeping peacefully under a tree sometime on Tuesday night into Wednesday morning when his short life came to a terrible and tragic end. Two male tourists, for reasons known only to them, decided to unleash a tirade of violence on George. He was kicked and tortured, beaten and strangled. When the attack was over, George was dead. To add insult to injury, his murderers carried him by the neck and tossed him into the river as if he were nothing more than a worthless piece of garbage.

But George was not garbage...George was beloved by everyone who made his acquaintance. Local restaurateurs have set up a make-shift memorial near the tree where George slept. Flowers and a photo of George now adorn the site.

Fortunately, a surveillance video exists and has been turned over to the police as well as to San Antonio's Animal Care Services. An investigation is underway and, hopefully, the two men who perpetrated this crime will be caught and punished.

However, whatever the won't be enough. Not only did they kill George but they took something away from the rest of us innocent creature who charmed everyone who knew him. At a time in history when there is precious little that is free for everyone to enjoy, we have all been robbed by these murderers.

These stone cold killers  must be caught before they can kill again. Next time, the object of their violence might not be just some little duck.

Rest in peace will be missed.                                      Source: opensalon Justice for George

Please every one share this post today and ask your friends to share and bid on George the painting for the reward fund.

Someone knows these two. There is at least $5000 reward. If you know these two men or know anything about this crime please call, City of San Antonio Animal Care Services 210.207.4PET (4738)

I know this is not over and we may have a very long hall yet because of the lack of animal cruelty laws, although I want to thank Justice for George for all his hard work to date, as well as the hundreds of volunteers helping to track down these despicable cowards!

Rest in peace will be missed.

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